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We investigate the effects of different privacy enhancing technologies in content-based recommendation systems.

We study the interplay between the degree of privacy and the potential degradation of the quality of the recommendation.

We evaluate three different tag forgery strategies: optimised tag forgery, uniform tag forgery and TrackMeNot.

We carry out an experimental evaluation on a real dataset extracted from Delicious.

Recommended citation: S. Puglisi, J. Parra-Arnau, J. Forné, D. Rebollo-Monedero. (2015). “On Content-Based Recommendation and User Privacy in Social-Tagging Systems” Computer Standards & Interfaces. 41 (17-27).

citation: ‘S. Puglisi, J. Parra-Arnau, J. Forné, D. Rebollo-Monedero. (2015). "On Content-Based Recommendation and User Privacy in Social-Tagging Systems." Computer Standards & Interfaces. 41 (17-27).’

journal: ‘Computer Standards & Interfaces - Volume 41’
